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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Dreams can be shattered as easily as they appear

In July I did a photoshoot my first ever photoshoot. It was such a high for me as I never thought I would be a good enough fashion but I proved to myself as well as my on lookers that I could do it and do it well. Since then I have had so many hiccups which has resulted in and agency having copywrite of MY images meaning that I would never be able to showcase them all even thought they never put a penny into production. I was also treated badly by a photographer that I paid for and trusted to deliver and he did not do so. The fashion industry is tough and I've lost a lot of my own money from it but it was a learning lesson. Be careful of who you trust with you dreams and always contract and document everything! Onto bigger and better things! My God is bigger than you! God did this to teach me so many things 
1. If I try hard enough I can materialise my dreams 
2. Not everyone can be trusted there are many wolves dressed in sheeps clothing 
3. If I can get through this I can get through everything and anything! 

I don't think my story is inspirational or anything I just wanted to share this with you.

Hope your all well.
MW x


  1. every experience is a lesson good and bad!
    i am currently living by your 1st lesson - try and materialise!

  2. So sorry to hear about this! Trusting people is by far the most difficult part of trying to get your career started. I hope that this struggle leads you to a brighter future!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i understand where ur coming from trust no man only God... take it from some1 who trusted a friend @ d expense of dre education. the pictures are freaking amazing... God is taking you to greater heights never give up ur truly amazing.... you will look @ dis moment and laff very soon. the sky and beyond is ur limit

  5. Always a lesson, and never a failure. You'll come back bigger and stronger no doubt:)

  6. That sucks! Even though you didn't intend it to be inspirational it definitely was for me. It's refreshing to see what come sometimes be the reality behind the glamour. PS. I'm a stylist and this has happened to me before, but it's nothing compared to the highs x


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